Monday 28 January 2013

Kensuke class meet Tony Robinson!

On Friday all of the Kensuke class went to The Sheffield City Hall for 'An Audience with Tony Robinson'.

He told us about some of the books he has written and about some of the acting roles he has had.

While we were there we entered a competition by answering questions about Tony Robinson's career and .....WE WON!!!
Tony Robinson's Weird World of Wonders! Egyptians by Tony Robinson
Our prizes will be delivered later this week!

Tony played a very well known character whose catchphrase was 'I have a cunning plan!'

What else do you know about Tony Robinson's career?


  1. What did you win??? Can we see!?

    1. We won a bag full of books for the school! A few of them are books written by Tony Robinson which are signed!
      I will post a photo soon.



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Walkley Primary School.